Have you ever read something like this as a "way to increase motivation"? :
"When you open your eyes get yourself excited to be awake each new day !! Joy is contagious, and so is pessimism! Tell yourself you're happy to be alive!. This might be the day you find love. Great things could come your way. Think positively that something good will happen to you today and 3 our of 4 chances it will."
To this I say BAH HUMBUG ! gibberish !!!! hahaha
Who re-writes this stuff (over and over and over)? Have they ever had depression? faced bankruptcy? been hit by a tornado? .... perhaps...
The truth is-- motivation CAN be generated... but not out of thin air,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Sand Boots.
To create a life filled with motivation start with 3 small steps:
** Set Goals-- then you have something you love to work for or to work towards.
** Have Hobbies -- something you are learning or are passionate about in your free time,You cannot fail once you accept who and what you are.... then TAKE TIME to pursue them! You will be amazed how the thought of returning to a pleasure later in the evening can help you feel great and desire to get through the work day ahead!!
** Be in the Moment -- one of the things I discovered in my thirties is that there is a BETTER word for boredom--- it is a hidden well kept secret to those under 32. Would you like to know what the real term for that feeling is? ok-- here goes-- it is PEACE. Enjoy it :-)
How can you expect motivation without: personal goals? If you have a personal short term goal for each week that works towards your monthly and yearly longer term goals-- this will inspire you throughout your week.
Motivation is easier when: you have hobbies you LOVE, enjoy, and pursue. A few side bonuses include: you will be a more pleasant person to be around, have more to talk about with friends and new acquaintances, and feel better about yourself and your day as you look forward to each new opportunity to pursue your passions.
For Motivation: all throughout the day, if you can remember and try to stay in the moment (called mindfulness) when things aren't quite as exciting-- then you will come to realize that at every given moment you have everything you need.
This is not mumbo jumbo. In years past, I went through an upsetting situation or 2 myself. Yet, I honestly can say: there might have been things I wanted, or felt I needed, in those moments. BUT, in the absolute miniscule of the moment-- right there and then-- I could realize that with the situation / circumstance unchangeable then (even as it was) I had everything I was going to have.
And THERE-- in that space, in each breath, I was infinitely -- ok. (even if I "felt" horrible). Often times, you will find you are much, much more than "ok". You are truly BLESSED-- especially compared to those in war torn villages, or third world countries.
No one has to wait until their 30's to begin to realize how to live their life on course and as a fulfilling joy.
In fact many of us set goals, had hobbies, and lived in the moment as teenagers,Tomorrow's Edge. Maybe we were onto something back then!
If life has thrown you a curve you never intended on-- fire right back! Don't give up. Instead find your motivation again in each day as you live on purpose with goals and designs that bring your life joy and pleasure,Chairman and CEO of FedEx.
Work daily to keep before you things to achieve, elements that bring delight, and all along the way stay reflective in the moment. If you can do this-- your motivation should naturally grow on a daily basis.
Until next time--- all the best,
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